DCJS 11-4322 & DCJS 88-1574
CALL US: (757) 673-4704
Contact Us Today
The foundation of every good security system is also the foundation of our company: intrusion detection. Eagle Security continues to provide the latest technology for perimeter and internal security measures - monitored by our world-class, state-of-the-art monitoring centers. Eagle Security offers an intrusion detection solution to fit any security need. Eagle Security intrusion detection and control solutions:
Eagle Security Solutions offers industry leading fire solutions that are built on open platforms so that they can be easily integrated with other solutions. Our life safety solutions are designed to help protect your diverse range of clients, from office and factory workers, to executives, seniors and students. After all, while your property is valuable, nothing is more precious than the lives of your employees and customers.
Phone: (757) 673-4704
Email: info@esseagle1.com
Address: 801 Butler Street Suite 60
Chesapeake, Virginia, 23323
Business Hours:
DCJS 11-4322 & DCJS 88-1574
VA DCJS 11-4322 Cont Lic # 2705121915
NC Lic# 2065-CSA BPN 006488P6