DCJS 11-4322 & DCJS 88-1574
CALL US: (757) 673-4704
In today's world, almost anyone can easily and cheaply acquire surveillance devices, or bugs, that can be used to invade your privacy. Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM), or bug sweeps can help individuals and businesses protect their privacy. These services are meant to detect bugs and uncover any illegal surveillance devices, any unknown technical surveillance devices, and any technical security weaknesses. Electronic surveillance detection is conducted to give you the peace of mind that your privacy is protected.
Common Bugs and Surveillance Devices
Why do I need Counter Surveillance Measures?
Is someone spying on you? Unfortunately, bugging and surveillance is more common and easier than ever. It can be done for any number of reasons, by a complete stranger or someone you know very well. Frustrated spouses often plant electronic surveillance devices in their own homes to try to gather evidence for divorce. If you are involved in litigation your opposition may utilize surveillance to collect information about you for the case Hidden cameras have been found in rented homes planted by creepy landlords to spy on their tenants. Offices or places of business are often targeted and bugged to steal valuable information or trade secrets.
If you would like more information on how we can help, please contact us today at 888-832-4531 or locally in Hampton Roads at 757-673-4704 or click to request more information.
Phone: (757) 673-4704
Email: info@esseagle1.com
Address: 801 Butler Street Suite 60
Chesapeake, Virginia, 23323
Business Hours:
DCJS 11-4322 & DCJS 88-1574
VA DCJS 11-4322 Cont Lic # 2705121915
NC Lic# 2065-CSA BPN 006488P6